1.First,You must have JDK installed first.
2.Get the ANT for windows here:
choose latest version with zip package
3.After download ANT,extract zip package in (for example) C:\Ant
5.Check wheter ANT works correctly or not.
In the command prompt, type: ant -version then click enter,
if the result text is something like:
Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on June 27 2008
then your ANT is work correctly on your Windows
6.The end.
choose latest version with zip package
3.After download ANT,extract zip package in (for example) C:\Ant
- Right click My Computer icon
- Choose properties
- Choose Advanced Tab
- Choose Environment Variables Button
- In the System Variables, click New Button
- Give the Variable Name:ANT_HOME
- Give the Value: C:\Ant
- Click OK
- After found, click Edit button
- Then, add the following text in the bottom of Variable value: %ANT_HOME%\bin;
- Click OK to finish
5.Check wheter ANT works correctly or not.
In the command prompt, type: ant -version then click enter,
if the result text is something like:
Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on June 27 2008
then your ANT is work correctly on your Windows
6.The end.